Test for 30 days

You can test Samedis.care for 30 days in full, free of charge and without a subscription trap. Once you are convinced of the benefits, you can take out the right subscription for your institution directly in Samedis.care.

Start now! Your Samedis.care setup in just a few steps.

Step 1

Create user account

If you are using Samedis.care for the first time, you must create a free account.

This account gives you access to all the facilities you have created.

Note: If you already have an account and simply want to create additional settings, you can skip this step.​

If you do not receive an e-mail after registering, please check your spam folder.

Step 2

Create a facility

Log in with your account. After logging in, you will see an overview of all available facilities. If you are new here, the list is empty and you can create a new facility here.

Step 3

Setup data

Fill in at least all the fields marked with an *, accept the terms of use and create the facility.

Reminder: There is no risk and no automatic payments. You can test everything free of charge for 30 days.

Note: The institution's e-mail address is used for communication between Samedis.care and the institution. It is therefore best to enter your e-mail address at the beginning. You can change it later at any time.

Step 4

Enter master data & go

After creating a setup, you can:

  1. Invite your colleagues to the institution via Facility / Access management
  2. Mapping structures in your facility with departments and device locations
  3. Create personnel under Employees for whom instructions are to be documented
  4. Enter your inventories under Devices / Device data

If you need help entering your master data, we will be happy to assist you. Contact us either via the chat or via the Contact form on this website.

Have fun with Samedis.care!

Everything clear?

Then click on the button and test Samedis.care for 30 days